"While we do the work"

Jun 17, 2009

Dave Matthews Band Fenway Park... AMAZING!!!!

Nantucket and the beginning of Summer


So the Summer season on Nantucket has begun. Yesterday was the first day I really noticed it starting to get busy. Enjoy Nantucket is looking good for the Summer. We will be super busy. I have come to realize that being a good person, with a good product and taking it one client at a time is how to grow a business.

What's new with Enjoy Nantucket and Ben and Jenny...

While at Canyon Ranch in Miami, Jenny realized she needs to do what she loves and what she is good at. So she renewed her personal training certificate, got the proper insurance and she will begin training some of our clients. Who wouldn't want Jenny yelling at them while running down the beach (me)?!?!  But really she is passionate about fitness and knows what she is doing... Look at her, she is most in shape person I know. Actually, she is in the gym right now while I am sitting on my ass as usual. Oh, if you want to buy a house out here she can help you with that as well.. she is getting good at that.

Other things going on: The baby equipment business is booooming. We have so many orders and I feel super comfortable about every client and their happiness in our products and our service. We are priced fairly and have chosen the best quality and safest products available. Again, in business quality and service are super important. Especially, on Nantucket with clients who are used to haveing only the "the best."

As far as catering.. I would say I have about 1000 people I have planned to cook for this summer adding all the parties together. With a few huge events that I am producing.  That number will easily double as the last minute parties come in. I am excited for the events to begin. We have done a bunch of smaller events and our first big party is next weekend. I will let you know how it goes and keep updating this (hopefully) as the summer goes on..